How to Prep Your Home for a Showing that Will Sell Your House

There’s a lot that goes into the process of selling a home, but the appearance and atmosphere of your home is one you can’t overlook. Home buyers are emotional buyers, who tend to go with their gut. When you’re able to show a home that feels home-y, clean, spacious, new and luxurious, you speak straight to the buyer’s heart. The first impression and the feeling a prospective buyer gets as they walk through the home are huge factors. Selling your house fast depends on the work you put into sprucing up the look of your home. Having your house ready for showtime can be done with some simple steps that go a long way. Here are 5 things you should do to prepare for open houses and private showings:
1. Give Your Lawn a Manicure
When prospective buyers approach your home and the smell of fresh-cut grass gives wafts into their nostrils, they already get the impression that the home is well-maintained and up-to-date. It’s a sight and smell that gives off a new-house vibe, and helps you create a great first impression.
Sell Your House
2.  Check for Odors
It’s hard to notice odors you’re accustomed too, so be sure to get a good whiff of every closet before showing, and check your carpets, curtains and other linens for any smells. Use a mild deodorizer throughout your home and ventilate it well before an open house or showing, so that it doesn’t give off a stale odor.
3. Make Sure Personal Belongings are Stashed Away
Clearing out your personal belongings makes it easier for prospective buyers to visualize themselves living in the home. It doesn’t mean you have to pack up and leave. Have all your furniture and decor, but put away things like pictures on the refrigerator and products on your bathroom counter. This also opens up the space and makes your home look neater. 
4. Spruce the Atmosphere
Right before your open house, make sure all the blinds are open and lights are on throughout the home. If any of your lights are dim, replace the bulbs with brighter ones.  Brew a pot of coffee or bake a batch of cookies for a fresh, welcoming aroma. Turn on some ambiance music or even the TV to add some energy to the atmosphere. 
5. Set the Right Temperature
The thermostat setting is important on open house day. If it’s a hot summer day, make sure the home is extra cool so to give it a refreshing appeal. If it’s cold outside, set the thermostat to 72 to 76 degrees so that the warmth is extra enticing. 
Putting Your Best Foot Forward
If you’re placing your house on the market but feel overwhelmed by the preparation involved, use these 5 tips as a checklist to go through before your open houses or private showings. Of course, they don’t guarantee your house will sell. But, they’ll make it more appealing to buyers. If you want a guaranteed sale, you always have the option to sell your house fast to a cash buyer, and skip the showing and staging process. If you have too many necessary repairs or updates to make before you feel ready for an open house, a cash buyer is probably a better option, as long as you choose a well-established and reputable company.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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