Travel More, Spend Less: Make Globetrotting More Affordable

If there is one thing that most people would like to do more of it is travelling. But some dismiss the idea completely, believing that it is totally unaffordable for them. Don’t despair; there are plenty of ways to fulfil your travel ambitions without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we will be running through just a few of the key aspects involved in travelling including accommodation, transportation and entertainment. So, let’s get you out into the big, wide world!
Sort Out Your Transportation in Advance
Whenever you are booking flights, whether that’s a commercial flight or you have the budget to splash out on private jet rental, make sure to use a comparison search site that throws up the best deals. And, if possible, you should avoid booking at the peak times of the year and instead opt for the off-season. Also, choosing flights on a weekday rather than a weekend can save you a bundle. Rather than booking your bus or train tickets at the station, check out the deals that are available online beforehand. And you could even look to get around under your own steam by renting a car or cycling – just make sure that you have the appropriate bicycle insurance beforehand. The more time that you give yourself to plan, the more likely it is that you will be able to snag good deals on transportation.
Travel to Cheaper Countries
Rather than travelling to the expensive tourist hotspots like Paris, London or Rome, you could instead look to cheaper countries. Perhaps somewhere in Eastern Europe or Asia where you will be able to travel for a lot longer for a fraction of the price. And if you do decide to go to the bigger destinations, try to get off the beaten path a little bit and into the areas which tourists aren’t treated like walking ATMs!
Look into Affordable Accommodation
The plethora of accommodation services that are now available makes it easier than ever to find an affordable place to stay. If you are looking at hotels, guesthouses or other more traditional forms of accommodation, make sure that you use a comparison websites to see where you can get the best deal. It is always worth checking with the hotel directly to check if you can get a better price compared to the third party booking website. Alternatively, you could look into alternative accommodation websites such as Airbnb where you may be able to snag yourself a great deal. Alternatively, you may even be able to stay in places for free in exchange for volunteering your time and services.
Check Out Free Activities
The simplest free activity that really helps you to get to know a place is simply to walk around – or cycle if you prefer. You get to know a place so much better than if you only use public transportation. More and more cities now organise free walking tours where an experienced guide will take you around the destination and give you exclusive tips and advice. Also, you should try searching online for any free museums or other monuments which you could visit.
travel fun
Earn While Travelling
There are now more opportunities to earn some cash while you are out on the road than ever before. If you are planning on going away for the long-term, teaching English abroad is always a popular option, as well as one in which you could make a decent living. Alternatively, you could make money from your laptop by freelancing. Whether you are a writer, graphic designer, translator, web specialist or something else, there is a growing community of ‘digital nomads’ out there and you could become one of them. Otherwise, you could look into short-term casual working options which help to fund your travels.
Get into a Frugal Mindset
If you aren’t careful, costs can mount up very quickly when you are on the road. Don’t let yourself get talked into spending more money than you need to by a silver-tongued local. Avoid taking taxis when public transportation or your own two legs will do. Eat at the authentic restaurants rather than the tourist traps – you can usually identify them by someone standing outside and waving an English menu at you! Otherwise, if you have a place with a kitchen, you could save even more money by cooking for yourself. For entertainment, check out whether the destination offers a pass to get you into the main tourist attractions.
travel frugally
Start Saving Long Before the Trip
So far, we have only talked about the ways that you can cut down on your spending during the trip itself. But you should also be looking to get into a saving mindset before the trip has actually begun to build up your travelling fund. Write down a list of your regular monthly expenses and work out which of them can be cut back on. Cook at home rather than ordering take-away and brew your own coffee instead of making your regular trip to Starbucks. Create a travel savings account and take pleasure in watching this grow, knowing that it will all be going towards the trip of a lifetime.
One of the most fundamental aspects of saving money while you are travelling is doing your research beforehand. This way, you will be able to get the best deals on transportation and accommodation. You will also be in a better position to avoid the main tourist traps and get a little bit more off-grid. There are also more opportunities than ever to make money while you are on the road – even if this is simply tapping away for a couple of hours on your laptop. Take pleasure in the savings that you are making, and know that you can still have a totally unforgettable travelling experience without shelling out a vast sum of cash. Set a date for your trip as well as a savings plan. Stay strict with your budgeting and always identify areas of your life that you could make a cutback or two.        

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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