Reasons For Lenders To Reject Bad Credit Loan Application!

It is the general practice with the lenders to be guided by the credit worthiness of the applicants for loans. The lenders also take into consideration whether you have any considerable savings or some assets in the form of bonds and shares. Particularly when they consider applications for unsecured loans, the lenders do attach more importance to the credit aspect. Because, if it is a secured loan, they can have a hold on the securities offered as collateral. It is not so in the case of an unsecured loan. That is why credit plays a dominant role in an unsecured loan. If the credit score of the applicant is good, they have no anxiety about the return of the loan.

On the other hand, if an applicant’s credit score is somewhat poor, the lenders feel that there is an element of risk involved in respect of the loan. Therefore, they charge a higher rate of interest on the loan. In view of this, you would do well to improve upon your credit score gradually so that it reaches the top level. This should be done before you make an application for loan. Having a good credit score means lower interest rates and competitive terms. With these advantages, you will enjoy another advantage, i.e. lower monthly payments. So, it becomes all the more necessary for you to improve your credit score considerably.

Reasons For Lenders To Reject Bad Credit Loan Application!
Traditional loans are approved without much of a problem if your credit was and is good. The lenders would like to know about your past as well as present credit history. They would require complete details such as when you had credit problems and how many times you defaulted in making repayments or failed to make payments on the due dates, etc. Based on these details, they would work out as to how they could minimize the risk in the transaction. In short, your credit history, at the moment, does help the lender in his assessment of your current financial status. They form an idea as to what they could expect from you. By and large, lenders base their decision only on the past history of the applicants. Some lenders, however, attach more important to the present credit history of the applicant.

A credit report, covering the last six months, will give a complete picture and with the help of such a report, lenders take their final decision, whether or not to give you a loan. If you want cultivate a sound ‘credit behavior’ inclusive of financial discipline, you should see that you do not miss any payments and that there is default. Also you should make it a point not to make requests for credit cards or apply for loans. These acts of yours will go a long way to improve your credit score. Based on your credit details you can yourself decide on the amount of loan you can ask for.

If you have a high debt exposure, you will have only limited chances to get more funds. As already said, the lenders, while they consider the loan applications from such people with high debt exposure or poor credit score, take all these factors into account before taking a decision on the loan application. If your present credit history is good, even though the past credit history was just the opposite, lenders may adopt a lenient view and consider your loan application favorably. The interest rate and terms of payment, etc. will, however, depend on the factors mentioned earlier.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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