Online Trading – What should the Australian online traders know?

Buying and selling products including shares have become quite easy these days. There was a time when only the rich and the affluent people could afford stock trading. Now-a-days, a large number of “common people” own stock and are regular in the field of online share trading. Similar to various countries across the globe, people in Australia are also interested in share trading. The various stock trading companies play a great role in the share trading business of the country. It should be noted here that whether you are a frequent trader or you’re a casual investor, these online trading companies make it easier for everyone to trade online.

Online Trading – What should the Australian online traders know?
Important features of online trading in Australia

The 3 main features, of online stock trading, which makes it popular amongst the Australian online traders include the following:

1) Easy for customers to use: Well, the pattern of trading in these various online trading sites has been designed by traders like us. So, it has been basically developed keeping in mind people like us. This makes it quite easier for traders to use this option for online trading.

2) Lowest possible brokerage: It should also be noted that most of these websites offer a competitive online trading rate in the Australian market. This makes them popular amongst most of the people who are in to this business.
3) Vast research: You’ll be surprised to know that most of these trading sites have more researched recommendations regarding Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed companies.

Popular trading tools offered by ETrade to the traders

Etrade is one the popular online trading sites in Australia. They offer various active trading platforms for the people interested in online trading. If you use these platforms, it will help you in trading. The two most important active trader platforms include the following:

  • Power E*Trade: This is a platform which will help identify the trends as provided by the IRESS. This is a provider of innovative market data solution for Australia.
  • E*Trade Pro: This is another platform which will help you react quickly to the changing market condition. This platform has been designed as per client feedback.
Products offered for trade

Though you may have one account with them, you will be able to trade for various things when you are using ETrade. Some of the trading products include:

  • Exchange traded options
  • Australian Shares
  • Global Shares
  • IPOs
  • Investment lending
  • Warrants
Important research tools on offer

At ETrade, you will also be able to get some of the most comprehensive tools which will help you research the market better. These tools will help you know the latest buy or sale recommendations on various individual shares. All these recommendations will be offered to you by the experts of the market. You will also get stock filters which will help you know all those companies having the characteristics that you are looking for. You will also be able to know the “Top 10” stocks which have been most commonly traded.

Online Trading – What should the Australian online traders know?
Tax tools available with ETrade

You will be surprised to note that ETrade also offers tools which will help you in CGT and income tax reporting. This will help the people in portfolio management and tax issues. These tools are designed in such a way that you will be able to manage your portfolio as well as other transactions on one straightforward platform. Apart from this, you will be able to get automatic capital gain and income tax analysis. The analysis will be simple and easy to read.

Premium Service offered by Etrade:

It should be noted here that ETrade also offers certain benefits for people who regularly trade with them. If you are working with ETrade for the past 20 months, then you will be eligible for their Premium Service. This is also known as the Premium Active Trader service. If you opt for this service, you will get various benefits. You will get daily ANZ market reports; have a dedicated Relationship Manager, free access to Tax Tools Plus, etc.

Hope that now you know a lot about the Australian online trading market and ETrade, one of the popular online stock trading companies!

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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