3 Easy Money Saving Tips

All we seem to hear about in the news and media is the fact we’re in a recession. There’s many ways in which all of us can make life a little bit easier with very little effort. Check out these top money saving tips.
Save money on petrol
Paying for petrol really is where you notice that every penny counts. That little bit more per litre can add up to hundreds of pounds in no time, especially if you cover a lot of miles. Try one of the many websites (such as PetrolPrices.com) that show you the cheapest petrol stations in your area. You’ll be surprised at the difference in price between stations that are only a few miles apart.
Money Saving Tips
There are many other methods of saving money on petrol too. Many people already know that a smooth driving style can yield massive savings. However, do you fill up your petrol tank to the maximum? If so then you’re wasting money. Remember that dozens of litres of petrol is heavy, and the heavier your car, the more petrol it uses. It’s far more efficient to top it up every day, and never fill the tank above half way or you’re just paying for unused weight.
Buying Clothes
We all love to look great in new clothes, but it’s unbelievable how much money you can save by shopping in the sales. After Christmas many shops make huge cuts in their prices as the new season’s stock comes in. The sales stock is just as good as the new products, and you’ll find most stores have some kind of sale all year round. With this in mind, does it ever make sense to pay full price for clothing?
If you have kids then you can save a great deal of money on their clothing too. Do they need to be wearing designer clothes considering they’ll just be getting them dirty as soon as they’re out of your sight? If you are going to get your kids designer clothes, for a special occasion for example, then make sure you at least buy them in a sale. A simple Google search for terms such as Catimini sale or any other children’s designer clothing brand will bring up a great selection of results that won’t break the bank.
How are you donating to charity?
Even when money is tight it’s nice to do our best for charity. However, maybe there’s more efficient ways of donating. For example, rather than paying £5 a month to charity why not donate all of your old ink cartridges instead? These can be refilled and sold by the charity, meaning you can still show your support whilst under financial constraints. Refurbished printer cartridges are cheaper for others to buy, and they help the environment, so everybody wins.
Also, if you do donate money to charity always ensure you claim gift aid. This is normally just a box that you tick on a donation form and it means that the charity can claim back tax on your donation. Therefore ticking this box will mean you can donate more than you think you can afford.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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