5 Strategies To Ensure You Get Top Prices When Selling Your Home

So, you’ve finally decided to put your home on the market, which can be quite an emotional experience, especially if you have lived there for many years, and in order to get a good price for your property, here are a few tips.
1. Consider Renovation
Generally speaking, the investment you make for a few minor renovations can be returned when you sell, and in some cases, you can actually make a profit. The first thing to do is take an honest look at the frontal elevation of your home and ask yourself, “Would I want to view this property?” Resurfacing the driveway and trimming the hedges could be the difference between a view and a sale, and with any improvement, you need to find out whether or not the renovation is a selling point.
Selling Your Home
2. Find a Good Conveyancing Lawyer
An experienced conveyancing lawyer can offer invaluable advice when it comes to selling your property, and with local Brisbane conveyancing from an established firm, you won’t have far to look to find the best legal advice. The conveyancing lawyer is on your side, and he or she will act in your best interests at all times, ensuring that you are happy with the outcome.
3. Rejecting an Offer
Of course, a lot depends on whether you desperately need the sale, and by taking note of a potential viewer’s body language, you can gauge their level of interest, and if that is high, rejecting their initial offer will more than likely result in them making a better offer. Of course, there is an element of risk in rejecting an offer, as it may be the only chance you have of making the sale.
4. Fix Minor Issues
Light bulbs that don’t work and leaking taps should all be repaired prior to putting the property on the market, as should anything that the potential buyer is likely to spot. Small issues give the buyer extra leverage, so try to minimise these, as this will help you get a fair price for the property. 
5. Advertise in All the Right Places
The more people see your listing, the better the chances of a sale, and if you have half a dozen people booked in for a viewing, you can afford to stick to your guns regarding price. There are many online real estate websites, where you can post the details of your property, and make sure that a professional photographer takes the shots, as they know how to present a property in its best light.
If you happen to be living in Australia, there are many properties on the market in both Brisbane and Sydney.Before selling your home, make sure that you have an accurate assessment of both the value and the condition of your property as this will give you the knowledge you need to decide whether or not to renovate.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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