Making Your Business Environmentally Friendly

There is more and more focus on how we live our lives these days. We make conscious decisions everyday to make purchases, be that online or in person. We are always been made aware of things we can be doing to save our planet and lowering our carbon footprint, but are you doing all you can with your business? There are many different ways you can make an impact and become much more environmentally friendly. So I thought I would share with you some of the ways that you can do that.
Eco Friendly
Making the packaging more environmentally friendly
First of all, why not look at ways that you can make your packaging more environmentally friendly? Sometimes businesses in the past have been accused of using too much packaging for their items, when smaller more slim lined options could not only save on the materials you use, but could also help on your mission to be a little more eco focused. Things like custom stand up pouches for liquids or food items, or something vacuumed packed which could then save on the outer materials for delivery purposes. If you research your options enough, you are sure to find a more suitable method of packaging for the items and products you sell. 
Changing the habits in your office
Sometimes it is just the habits that you change that can make the biggest difference, and if there is more than one of you in the office or working environment, then it needs to be a collective decision to make some changes. Switching computers off at the end of the day instead of leaving them on standby. Switching lights off and turning off heating or cooling systems can not only help the environment, but also bring down your energy costs. 
Recycling old technology
Many working environments will know that you can go through technology fairly fast. With the introduction of new systems, fast processors and quicker speeds for the likes of internet, you may find that you have an abundance of old tech lying around. A great tip is to look into recycling these older models instead of sending them to landfill. 
Alternative methods of delivery
Could you be doing more with your delivery methods? Perhaps looking into lower emissions vehicles for your fleet or choosing courier and delivery service companies that also have an eco approach to the way they do business. There are other options to consider, and sometimes, delivery methods can be the area that impacts the environment the most. 
Making the premises more eco-friendly
Finally, there are other ways you can make your working environment that bit more eco-friendly. First up, think of the bulbs you use to light the office or warehouses that you have. Changing these can be a simple decision, but the impact on your energy costs could be astronomical. You could also change heating and air conditioning systems for more up to date environmentally friendly models. 
I hope that this has given you some incentive to make some changes to your business this year.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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