The Job Hunt Illusions For The Disillusioned Unemployed

The Global recession continues to affect us all in different ways, from increased taxes, consumer prices and a decrease in bonuses and benefits. However, surely the largest consequence of the banking crisis has been the steep rise in unemployment. With even large, well-established businesses going into administration, redundancy is becoming an unwelcome reality for those of us who never imagined that we would be claiming Job Seekers Allowance. Record amounts of job seekers are consequently applying for the same jobs resulting in a saturated job market and a disillusioned unemployed sector.
Far more frequently job centre advisors are suggesting retraining as a means of securing steady and lucrative long-term employment. Although we may have always worked in one particular sector of employment or even in an entirely identical position, we are now being led to believe that it quite literally is never too late to retrain and change our career direction. If you have been facing long-term unemployment, you could consider yourself as having nothing to lose! Further training and qualifications can either bolster your current skill-set (making it easier to take the next step up on a career ladder that has become somewhat stubbornly stuck), or provide you with a whole new direction and area of interest.
Opportunity Knocks

Job Hunt
However, choosing to retrain is never an absolute guarantee of employment and could instead be seen as turning a negative situation into a positive one. You may well have always dreamed of the opportunity to turn a hobby or interest into your career, yet not wanted to rock the stable boat of the employment you either chose or were drawn into at an early age. You may have been unsure as to what your true passions were at that important, decision-making age and simply took an employment opportunity that was seen as sensible. You may have followed a family tradition. You may even have simply followed a path that emanated from a skill or area of knowledge that happened to be your foremost in your teens. Once wages are earned and increased, then promotions are gained and built upon, it is very difficult to stray from that comfort and regularity, simply to indulge your new interests or passions. Sudden and elongated unemployment could cause a very depressing and downtrodden outlook, or could conversely be turned into an exciting opportunity to bring about change. Retraining could ultimately lead to improved quality of life by bringing an end to unemployment and heralding a career that would increase your personal happiness on a daily basis.
Don’t Know Much About Therapy!
It may also be the case that a sector of employment that you may have the innate ability to excel in was not all that lucrative when you first entered the job market, or simply didn’t exist. For example, the world of alternative therapies is far more advanced, accepted and indulged in than ever before. People are looking beyond medical science when it comes to healing these days. We are also rejecting chemical solutions in favour of natural products and treatment strategies. Therefore, whether it be Reiki, homeopathy, reflexology or hot stone therapy, there is far more money to be made and new skills to be excelled in.
To Sir, With Love
You may also have worked practically within a popular profession such as, the law, performing arts and the media, politics or sport. There is always the option to use your years of expert experience to teach. Teaching has historically been a profession that people retrain to enter at many differing ages and has proved to be a steady and reliable source of income and opportunity.  As the government always wants to invest in education there are many kinds or bursaries, scholarships and fee wavering available. These pose as the encouraging enticement of subject experts into education; ultimately providing a financially sound retraining opportunity.
The Money Train
Financing retraining is a constant source of concern and enquiry for career changers. Other than government funding, there are also approved courses that can be undertaken whilst continuing to claim Jobseekers Allowance. Finally you could consider retraining for a new career as a financial investment in your future. With the reasonable and comparable interest rates within the competitive lending market, loans can be a viable way to fund further study.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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