Does your policy have added benefits?

Your policy
Being a vehicle owner you must have purchased a suitable auto insurance policy. Your policy must be consisting of the basic coverage as per required to handle any mishap. Apart form the basic coverage such as, the liability, collision and comprehensive coverage there several others which can fulfill your specific needs when you’ll get involved in an accident. Most of these coverage are optional which when added to your policy will increase your premium. Hence, depending on the situation you’ll encounter, you must try to choose the right type of coverage that can save you from a lot of stress and financial damage. Moreover, you must try to search for cheap auto insurance quotes that will help you lower your premium rates.

3 Types of coverage

Read on to know the added coverage that you may include in your high risk auto insurance policy so as to strengthen the protective shield of your vehicle.

1. Uninsured driver coverage

If your policy include this coverage, then it will come into action when you’ll meet with an accident with a driver who carries no auto insurance or carries the insurance not at all sufficient to meet the state required minimums. This coverage will help you cover your medical costs as well as the damages of your vehicle. If the other party in the accident carries an auto insurance policy, but the insurance company is not financially equipped to cover your losses, then also this coverage will come into play.

2. Gap insurance

You must be aware of the fact that with the passage of time every asset value depreciates. Thus, if you have bought a new car, then after four months the value will go down by 30%. If you meet with a major accident and your car has been totaled, then your insurer will reimburse you the current value of the vehicle. But you’ll still have to pay the remaining part of you loan that you have taken to buy the car. But if you have purchased this coverage, then it will help you cover the gap between the value of the car and what you owe to your lender.

3. Personal injury protection coverage

You must have bought the liability coverage that may be able to reimburse you a part of your medical expense when you’ll meet with a major accident. But if you purchase this coverage, then it will act as a complement to your bodily injury liability as it will reimburse you almost 80% of your medical expenses. This will also include the cost of rehabilitation, funeral cost and lost wages. It will cover you, your passengers or anybody who is authorized to drive your vehicle. If you’re driving someone else’s vehicle and have met with an accident, then also this coverage will come into play. In certain states it is essential to purchase this coverage. Hence, you must try to know from your state’s department of insurance that whether or not, you’re required to keep this coverage.

Lastly, pay per mile is a new type of coverage that has been made effective in order to protect the environment and lower your premiums. Here, in this coverage you have to pay the insurance company based on the number of miles you’re actually driving rather than an annual estimate. A GPS device will be installed in your vehicle that will provide the insurance company your driving information. If you don’t drive very often or don’t drive during rush hours or drive in less densely populated areas, then you must purchase this coverage as this will lower your premium rates.

Denny Jones

Hello, I'm Denny Jones, the voice and mind behind this personal finance blog. With a passion for helping others achieve financial independence, I started this blog to share my insights, experiences, and strategies in managing money. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for advanced tips to optimize your wealth, my goal is to provide practical and actionable advice that anyone can follow.

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